• The Comedy Shop – featuring Steve Bluestein, Garry Shandling, Corbett Monica, and Vic Tayback.

  • Comedian Steve Bluestein reel by Steve Altman Steve Bluestein performs at the Ice House

  • Paula Poundstone vs Steve Bluestein by Merrie Lynn Ross Merrie Lynn Ross rallies with comedy pals – Paula Poundstone and Steve Bluestein. Giggles and Hugs…

  • Steve Bluestein Reading of his book by Vicki Abelson Intro & Steve Bluestein’s HISterical reading from his book, It’s So Hard To Type With A Gun in My Mouth

  • Steve Bluestein for California OneCare Wait ’til you hear how Steve Bluestein was treated by his doctor and insurance company because of restrictions and red tape.

  • Katie Chats: Steve Bluestein Writer/Comedian by Katie Chats It’s So Hard To Type With A Gun in My Mouth

  • The Brady Bunch Variety Hour: The Columbus Bunch by BBVHFan Bradys’ variety show were amusing, others were painful. Guess which category this one falls into? Even Paul Williams couldn’t save it!

  • KLEAN Radio – Comedian Steve Bluestein Dec 15, 2011 – Uploaded by Klean Radio Comedian and writer Steve Bluestein comes to the KLEAN studio to share stories of addiction and recovery …
  • Comedian Steve Bluestein Intro Video

    “Here’s a little gift my web designers, Digital Worxx Design, cooked up for me. I love the way they take nothing and turn it into art”! We have more coming for Comedian Steve Bluestein, this is just a taste of what’s to come …
  • Make Me Laugh – Comedian Steve Bluestein 1979 This video features Bobby Van, Steve Bluestein, and Bob Saget.
  • The Comedy Shop – Comedian Steve Bluestein This is an extended version of The Comedy Shop – featuring Steve Bluestein, Garry Shandling, Corbett Monica, and Vic Tayback.