Licensed Spezielle Casino Sport And Esport Betting!


Licensed Spezielle Casino Sport And Esport Betting!

Neben dem Willkommensbonus können auch bereits registrierte Spieler von Promotionsangeboten profitieren. So gibt es etwa Reload-Boni für weitere Einzahlungen oder einen Cashback auf Verluste. Des weiteren hier gilt, dauernd einen genauen Blick auf die Bedingungen zu werfen. Welcher Einzahlungsbetrag wird gutgeschrieben und Sie können sofort mit deinem Spielen beginnen. Dieses werden nun die meisten verfügbaren Zahlungsmethoden angezeigt. Dabei findet sich für jede Variante ein Hinweis zum Mindest- und Maximalbetrag. Continue reading Licensed Spezielle Casino Sport And Esport Betting!

Rest, In Pieces goes into production. I go into a coma.

Haven’t blogged in a long time. Nothing really to blog about… sure there’s the new place in Palm Springs but who really cares about that. And then I looked at the calendar and realized that in FOUR days I would be leaving for Delaware and rehearsals of my play, “Rest, In Pieces”. It’s actually happening. My play is going to be produced by a professional theater company, in a respected venue and with gifted actors. I think I’m a little numb. I’m not anxious. I’m not nervous. I’m not scared. I just am. I have resigned myself that it will be what it will be. In AA they call that a surrender. And I have surrendered the play, the results and the process to the great unknown. Continue reading Rest, In Pieces goes into production. I go into a coma.


No matter how bad Frankie Valli’s life was… it couldn’t have been as bad as the movie JERSEY BOILS. Only Clint Eastwood could take a musical that had energy and excitement and incredible music and turn it into a New York Times obit. I don’t know what chair Eastwood was talking to at the Republican National Convention but it wasn’t a director’s chair. What in God’s name were they thinking giving Eastwood this film to direct. He gave us a Wasp’s idea of what Jersey should be… he took all the color out the film…and I’m talking about the level of color in the film stock… it looked like it was left in the sun to dry. This took all the “alive” out of the film.. Continue reading JERSEY BOILS…. FEH

ESCROW… buying a house in California

In California when you buy a house, you have to go through something called ESCROW. And when I say go through…it’s like when a fetus goes through the birth canal. It’s that painful. It’s a series of disclosures and paper signings and documents and reports that when completed look like the monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey. Only politicians would think it necessary for me to know that the property I am buying is Radon free. Who cares. Just sell me the fucking house.. Continue reading ESCROW… buying a house in California